Questions to Ask - Are Your Rules Sabotaging You from Your Greatness?
Rules, rules, rules…. have you ever wonder why do we have them? Why do we follow them? Why do we care?
Well, the answer is multi-faceted since rules do have a fundamental truth and good to them. They are the ones that keep us safe, and helps us know how to navigate our social lives.
But unfortunately, some rules are hidden and limiting us. Some rules are so bad for us that they don’t allow us to move forward to lean into our truth and what we should be doing for ourselves and others.
“Some rules are nothing but old habits that people are afraid to change. ”
And the sad thing is that often, unfortunately, we don’t reflect and ask about the rules we create and what our body is telling us about them.
We forget to access to see if there is a rule that we created and is it really good for me? Or should we even honor it?
In this episode we are talking about what is a rule, the different types of rules you may be setting up for yourself, the questions to ask to uncover them, and how-to rewrite them.