Want to Meet Your Goals? Plan Them Like This...

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Welcome back to Questions to Ask Podcast.

I am your host Clara Jamison. And in today's episode, we are going to talk about how to plan your goals based on your feelings. I know that sounds a little bit different or a lot different, but this will definitely help you along your journey and planning out your.

Year. I was listening to Danielle LaPorte and I've always been a follower of hers. She is fantastic. She is very knowledgeable in very. Known in the industry. And one thing that I've been doing lately that I learned from her is that I actually plan my goals based on my feelings.

The reason why was because I was listening to her fire engine sessions. It's fantastic. I don't know if she still has it. If it's still available, you should definitely opt-in to it. It's 16 emails or 16 sessions, and she gives you a worksheet.

She gives you so much value. And one of the things that I took out of it, which was very important to me. And I think that's because I tend to be a type, a personality and I'm very gold-oriented and task-oriented. Was the sessions that spoke about feelings. And one of the things that I loved about it was that she sparked this curiosity in me in the sense of, instead of going ahead and looking into what career I want or what my next steps are, what is it exactly that I want for my year? It was really more about why not go back to the basics of how. Do I want to feel, how do I want to feel for the year?

How do I want to feel for today? How do I want my overall emotions to be, how do I want my year to really feel for me? So in today's episode, we're going to focus on how we can ask these questions to really garner and see exactly what feelings you should. be Focusing on And how to really structure your goals with feelings.

What does that look like? And. Here's the thing, honestly, as we all know, we could plan out our year based on material things. We can have many different things that we accomplished, but if we're not feeling happy about those things, about what we've actually accomplished. And if we don't really assess how we're going to feel about those goals at the end or how we want to feel with meeting those goals it automatically becomes something that it was just a to-do and something that you did. And it didn't give you the feeling that you wanted to get during the year. Which then automatically makes your body and your brain and your overall being feel like I didn't even accomplish anything.

You might even forget because it doesn't spark that feeling. It doesn't spark what we really want to feel during the time period that we're doing it, or during the process. Here's the thing, and this is something that I've implemented, even in my vision board parties, and even my workshops. And it has worked so nicely and beautifully, to be honest with you. One of the things that we do is really harness. What is the feeling? What is the feeling that we want to have for the year?

Then we do some mind mapping. Then we really hash out how we want. Two feel or want to accomplish intuitively for the year. And that basically becomes a foundation of how we move forward in the year. And every action we take and every goal that we set for ourselves for the next 365 days, regardless of when we start.

What is a feeling that I'm going to get out of this? And we're very, very mindful about that. And what do I mean by that? So let's say you're stuck in your job and you really are not happy with your job. Some people may say to you, well, you know what, just get another job. Here's the reality of it. You go into the new job. And then you still feel the same way

And then you say, well, I'm going to make the best out of it because at the end of the day, it's paying my bills. It is basically helping me throughout my journey. And by you doing that, you're hiding your feelings.

You're hiding the true reason why you're not feeling happy. Why exactly this is not working for you.

Is it really that you're not being challenged? Is it really that you feel that you don't belong in the company? Is it really that you feel like you're not contributing enough?\

What is that one thing? So once we harness and understand and plan based on our feelings and how we want to feel, and we acknowledge what we really truly want to feel like, then automatically all the steps that we need to take will fall into place.

Now, one thing that I want you to be very mindful of is that. This process is a very subjective process, which is why I like it. We tend, to create these goals based on the noise outside, but because we're based in feelings, it is a very subjective process in which.

Automatically, it allows you to really harness what you truly want and then tap into your intuition, which is even better. So it's no longer about, I want to be acknowledged by the outside world. It's more about, I want to do this because this is truly feeling good to me and what I want to do moving forward.

Now, what are the questions that you should really ask yourself to harness how you should plan your goals based on your feelings? So the first question is looking backwards, looking at last year, what worked for me? What worked for me and how did I feel? What were the times or the circumstances that I felt most happy? And then I want you to ask yourself why

And once you understand those patterns, I want you to then ask yourself,

what feeling am I feeling right now? You could actually divide this by categories or areas in your life, for instance, how are you feeling right now at work? How are you feeling right now at home? How are you feeling about your health?

How are you feeling spiritually? How are you feeling? And if you don't have a word for it, of how you feel? No problem. Google, Google feelings.

And there's going to be a list of different types of feelings that we can actually feel.

I want to feel accomplished. I want to feel smart. Trustworthy. Reliable. I want to feel whatever it is the feeling that you want to move forward with now the question is in order for me to make this feeling of possibility. What are the actions or the steps that I need to do?

What are the things that will actually make me feel most accomplished or reliable or…. ? What exactly are the actions?

And once you understand that, then you're going to be able to create your goals. And if you have any questions on how to create these goals and how to structure them and how to really garner all this information, I am here for you. I can definitely help you with creating a structure to implement the system and really make it work for you.

And all you have to do is either email me at Clara at resiliency group, llc.com or D end me on Instagram at Claramazing.