The Next 90 Days.... Questions to Ask to Make It Your Best 90 days

Hello Curious!

It is 90 days to New Year's!! Can you believe it? Because I can't!

But I must admit that I am so pumped about it!

I am so pumped because I have 90 days to do whatever I want to do with it, and so blessed for it.

I have 90 days that I can meet any straggling goals. I have 90 days to just be. I have 90 days to slouch on my couch and have my ginger tea. I have 90 days to be one with my practice. I HAVE 90 DAYS!!! And I'm so grateful for that-


But here is the truth…I didn't feel like that for some time. I actually was having such a hard time knowing that it was going to mark 3 months to the year that I didn’t want to “deal with it.” Why? Because I had so much left to do and not enough amount of time (or so I thought).

But I remembered an exercise I did during one of my “Follow Your Own Path” mind-mapping event. It required that I take a moment to jot down what I was grateful for.

Follow Your Own Path - Next 90 Days Instagram Post.png

But not the usual "I am grateful for the food I eat." No ...rather the exercise was about jotting down what setbacks I was grateful for.

So I started writing down all those experiences and dissecting them; why did they happen, what did I learn from them, etc.

And then then I looked at my remaining goals.

And what I learned was this:

First - "I am the bombs. I went through this?! And I am here. Say whaaaat?! Yep! And still have 90 more days to do more. Wow!"

Second- some goals that I thought I needed, I really didn't need and were not serving me (they were really serving others).

Third - Although there were some goals that I wanted to meet, I was not ready for them and that is where my hard experiences came into play. My “hard experiences” were here to teach the skills that I needed to carry out that goal that I was prematurely giving myself. And therefore, I had to put them aside and bid them farewell until the next time (or until I was completely ready).

After doing this, I felt liberated and a sense of new energy towards the next 90 days. So much so that I picked three major goals from my "unmet" pile and found a new refound appreciation for the next 90 days to do them.

And because it was so beneficial to me… in this episode, we are exploring the questions that I asked myself to get pumped about the next 90 days and the steps that I took to look at everything with a grateful lens. Listen in!

Also, I created "The Follow Your Own Path - The Next 90 Days" (FREE) for you to use while listening to this episode. Get it now!

Cheers to the next 90 days!!!

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ProductivityClara Jamison