Clara Jamison- "Claramazing"

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Plan Your Goals Based on Feelings ....

I was listening to Danielle LaPorte. And I I've always been a follower of hers. She is fantastic. She's Praught, a lot of knowledge into the industry or to the world really. And one of the things that I've been doing lately, and that I've been following and also listening to is her fire engine sessions.

It's fantastic. If she still has it available, you should definitely opt in into it. It's 16 emails or 16 sessions, and she gives you a worksheet. She gives you so much value . One of the things that I took out of it, which was very important to me.

And I think it's because I tend to be a type, a personality , and I'm very goal focused and task oriented . I love the fact that one of her sessions was all about feelings.

And one of the things that I loved was the fact that she sparked this curiosity in the sense of, instead of going ahead and looking into what career I want, or what are my next steps or what are things that I want more of, Why not go back to the basics of how am I feeling and how do I want to feel?

So today we're going to focus on how we can ask these questions to really garner and , see exactly what feelings are we truly. Harboring and what feelings should we truly have, or want to have ?

Because we can have many material things. We can have many different, things that we accomplished , if we're not feeling happy inside, it does not matter.

It just doesn't matter because we're not feeling good about ourselves.

Every year in the beginning of the year, I have a vision board party and within it, one of the things that we do is mind mapping. And within that process, what I tell them is how do you want to feel for the year? Because then that will set the stage upon exactly what it is that you want to accomplish for the year.

That will be the foundation. That is the foundation of how you're going to move forward in the year and Every action you take, every goal that you set yourself for, everything you do moving forward for the 365 days, regardless of when you start means to evoke that. Feeling, and we need to really be very mindful of what it is that we put forward.

For instance, if we are stuck in our job and really not happy with our job, some people may say, well, you know, you just have to make it best out of it because it's paying your bills and just truck it and keep on going. And you're basically hiding your feelings.

Your true feeling is I'm not happy, . I'm not happy. And I want to be.... I want to be, challenge. I want to feel that I belong. I want to feel like I'm contributing something. I want to feel like I'm doing something greater than what I am doing currently. And that is a feeling. that word may be, I want to feel acknowledged. That's your word acknowledged? So everything you do moving forward is with the process and the idea that you want to feel acknowledged.

And all the steps that you need to take. My new are very subjective because my acknowledgement, the way I like to feel acknowledge is very different from, anyone else

You may have the idea well, let me ask and see exactly what actions I should do from my coach or from whomever else. This comes from you. This does not come from anybody else because this is your feeling. This is how you want to feel. And you are the only one that really truly knows.

How to feel it and what actions or what experiences will actually get you to feel act knowledged.

Then afterwards go ahead and say, what are the actions or small steps that I want to take moving forward? In order for me to make this feeling a possibility.

And a bonus question actually is who can I get surrounded with? Who can I be around? That basically will help me feel this way. Meaning not that they're going to do, and it's going to automatically miraculously change how you feel.

But rather it's more of the fact that that person will remind you. Reminds you of what feeling you want to feel

And this is very important. You make sure that there are showing you the path

they're not doing a four year. You're doing it for yourself. Because that is what will make a difference.