Clara Jamison- "Claramazing"

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Are you living an Intentional Life?

Hello Lovely!

In this bonus episode of Questions to Ask Podcast, I want to drive the message on the importance of living an intentional life and encouraging our listeners to do just that.

Why? Because I’ve realized that many, because of the demands of their everyday lives, don’t know what is the importance of living intentionally and with intent. I realized when people reached out and said that it was great that they can create their goals intentionally, but took it as just that… And I want to make sure that before you start looking at your goals, and only make it be about your goals, you commit and understand why it is important to living an intentional life.

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Are you Living Intentionally? Clara Jamison

And shameless plug… remember our challenge is starting on January 20th. I know that after listening to this you will know for sure that you owe it to yourself to become intentional and join our “Get Intentional” 5-day- Challenge, go to


welcome back to Questions to Ask Podcast, I am Your host Clara Jamison, and I am so excited that you are back. Wow, it is the first week of 2020, I cannot believe it I am well. Yes, I can. I'm so excited because is the first week of 2020, which means that we have so much opportunity, and so many things that we can do. We have another 360 days to make it happen, because in this episode we will be focusing on how to live an intentional life or better yet, how to be intentional. And I'm going to be providing you with questions that you should be asking yourself to truly be able to look at your goals and what you've set out for yourself and see, is this really working for you or not. Now, I just want to give you a little disclaimer. I am going to be hosting a five day get intentional challenge. And within that challenge we are going to go through the process in which to be intentional. I've learned that in 2019. The reason why I was so intentional It was not only because I wrote my goals down, it was not only because I did my vision boards is not only because I did the mind mapping, but also because I went through the process of being intentional and there is a process that in which you have to go to and become intentional with your life and take the small steps in order for you to make things ironclad and make them really work for you. And I've learned so much to walk my journey, especially throughout 2019 that I know for sure that the five day challenge

will definitely help you with it. Now if you know anyone that may be interested in the five day challenge, by all means go to WWE resiliency group slash intentional small steps and in there you will be able to opt in into turns and immediately you will receive what are the steps that you have to take, we are going to be launching it on Monday January 11 however you could always join in at any time, because we are making this as evergreen as possible so that we, if in any circumstance you're in July, and you want to be calm intentional and you feel scattered and you feel like you need a reset button, you can do that. It is something that you can do at any moment at any time, in any way, and I know for sure that is going to be very beneficial for you and for anyone that you know, so for sure. Please, either join or ask your friends or someone that you know to join. Now, without further ado, let's go. I believe that a question, is one of the most powerful things you can experience can help you expand and move forward, reflecting growth. A question is the seed we need to start any process, any revolution, or any action. Here are questions to ask podcast. We love to ask questions that will help you understand know, learn, and act upon. Welcome. Okay guys, so as I mentioned, I am hosting a five day get intentional small steps challenge, because here's the truth by March, most likely, most often, and most people won't be keeping up on their resolutions, which is one of the reasons why I don't believe in resolutions. By March, everybody is either finding a reason why not to find the reason why so hard finding a reason why it just didn't work, finding a reason why to stop. And that has been scientifically proven by many studies, you can search for them, you know on your own leisure, but I'm telling you right now if you want to make this happen. You have to make sure that you go through the process of being intentional, and I promise you, it will be a game changer. Now, what is being intentional.

Well, being intentional actually

has different components, about it. It is all about the intentionality it is all about being intentional the actual process. And then it was also about intent.

I first experienced what being intentional was all about my mother. My mother showed me this. When unfortunately my grandmother was dying for a long time, my mother struggled with quitting smoking. Every year she would tell everyone that she was quitting. she will often

say this year is the year, as we've always done, and everyone does. And she was started with a fear, then give up. A few days later, my new My grandmother was a chain smoker, as well. And the minute that she became intentional about, about stop smoking was when she had a stroke, after her stroke she will often tell my mom do surgery, so they had to do the Ramadan, which means to say put smoking it's going to kill you. And although my mom knew it was not good for her. She kept going and often will say, I tried it and it didn't work for me, and she tried and try, but to no avail. Until she got the call from my grandmother, to come, she was dying, and she was dying of pancreatic cancer, and at first she went there to take care of her, and she was still smoking four to five or six sometimes packs a day, because that was her way of dealing with everything around her that was her soothing mechanism that was her habit of being able to feel in control, but then she saw my grandmother in her bed gasping for air. My knew it was not my grandmother's time yet. She was just gasping for air and she was just having such a difficult time that when my mother saw that

something clicked, and she at that moment promised my grandmother, and she sat down.

She was gasping for air. She prayed to God, that she would not smoke as long as she. He allowed her to go on her way, in a peaceful manner. And guys, the minute she did that she didn't move

for the rest of the thing, smoke for the next day

and the next day and the next day, and fast forward 15 years and she hasn't touched one cigarette.

Now, one thing I've been telling you about that she did

was that during that time period. She made her promise

known to everyone. The minute that she got got out of my grandmother's room. She told a story about how my grandmother was gasping for air, and then she went ahead and told everyone what she promised to God and to my grandmother. So what happened there. She aligned her intentionality want to believe, to quit with the core value of her mother, God in her promise to then go through the process of being intentional. Every day, and make sure that no matter where she was at the situations that she was in, she would not allow herself to read, relax. What is intentionality intentionality was proposed by friends, run General, and influential German philosopher a psychologist and priest. He coined it the phenomenon in which we have a sense that directs us to an object, a thought a belief, a desire, and then we make that happen with our mind.

Now, where does this live.

This is an unconscious.

It is basically what

you may call your spidey sense, if you're a spider man's fan, your six sons the unknown the soul your gut feeling your intuition, what is being an intention. The intention is a process in which we carry out where we check every atom we are taking assessing if it's working or not, asks important questions to keep us on task.

Now where does this live

this lives in our subconscious that keeps you alive and tells you what to do to keep you safe, what is the intent is the action taken based on being intentional and rooted on our intentionality. It allows you to master your actions what you do externally what you're actually able to control so for instance if you think I am going to turn on the TV. Usually, you don't turn up to yourself in order for you to do it, you just basically to it.

So that is the intent, it, it is your brain working in different sections of your to make that action happen. Now how do we tap into these sections and align ourselves with what we need to happen. These are the questions that you should definitely ask yourself,

especially if you've already created new goals. Now,

if you have not been to your goals.

That is okay. In the five day challenge we go through the process of creating your goals, we actually go into the process of being intentional first to then create your goals. These questions will help you to at least aligned, that whatever it is that you are ready set out for yourself to see if it really is something that you should meet moving forward.

Because here's the thing guys,

although everybody is telling you to go go go into take action. I'm actually going to sit

here and tell you to not do that. I'm actually going to tell you encourage you to make sure that you take a pause and really reflect to see if whatever you threw out there and whatever you wrote down and whatever it is that you made that you thought was possible and was important to you at this moment. If it's a reality going to work for you in 2020, and if it's in reality going to be beneficial to you in 2020. Yes, that is what I'm asking everyone to do. And I asked you have the same. And here are the questions. The first question is after you look at your goals is, why do I want to accomplish this. So you look at your goals and see exactly what you wrote, which categories are you focusing on the most why allows you to understand exactly what it is that is driving you to do this goal. Why is actually going to allow you to make you realize if this is something very important to you or not. Now you have to be very specific extremely specific as to what your y is, you have to dig deep question number two what core values are you tapping into that you're focusing on this goal, is this core value, extremely important to you. So for instance if you want to lose weight.

then you tie it with your health value.

It's, I want to live. I want to be here for my children, and in order for me to do that, I have to make this goal happened. Question number four. What language are you using. Are you using the I want versus I need. Because here's the interesting part of it. If you're using that I want. It's something that your body is definitely going to say, I can like up. If you're using the I need, then it's something that you will definitely know that it's important and your body will basically find or your brain is going to find

everything possible to make that happen. Yes guys, that is one of the reasons why I say that if you are all about saving this year. Do not say, I need, x y&z item I tell you to say, I want, x y&z items so that way you know that it's not as important to go to Target and buy it, and you know that you're not trying to find reasons as to why to do it, then Question number five, are the goals that I set myself in alignment with focus on what I want to focus on. And here's the kicker also, are they helping each other, are they really truly helping each other are my goals, truly helping each other question number six. Is this the time that your goal should be done, we often set on our goals and placed at mines but rarely do we assess and rethink about what season we are in, in order for us to make this happen and to set out deadlines for it. Like for instance I could tell you that in the winter is a time for hibernation for self caring for taking a slow. It is literally the season for that has been created for that and the reason why is because, as you can tell the days get longer they get darker, we don't have enough energy or stamina. So this is not the time to go say, I'm going to join a CrossFit challenge. It's not the time because your body is going to fight it. Your body is going to tell you. Listen, I barely could get up in the morning, in the darkness Do you really think I'm going to be able to then put my body through this parship. No way. And within three months, you will let it go or within a week you will let it go, let's stop doing that and really focus on is this the season that I should really be doing this is this really the time to be doing this goal. And then once you assess that and understand that, then you can really understand what deadlines and where to put your goals and what are the optimal timing to really make this happen. Now, this is just a glimpse of exactly what are the questions to ask. We deep dive into this within the five day challenge. And again, if you're interested or know anyone that may benefit from this definitely go to WWE resiliency Group LLC. COMM slash intentional small steps, and this challenge will definitely help you

take the pause that you need, take

the proper timing to harness out and understand it what you want to do is what you should be doing. And if you're going to be able to make it happen, ask your friends and family to join as well, because we really want to make sure that you

make your goals a reality.

And if you have any questions, feel free to email me at Clara at resiliency group,

or you can follow me on Instagram as amazing. So here we are at the end of this episode.

I hope you enjoyed what I did.

And you were able to learn new questions to grow and expand from. Thank you so much for your time. I appreciate you a lot for spending your time with us. And do not forget to Subscribe Subscribe Subscribe, or leave us a comment and let us know what you think about the podcast. I can't wait to hear from you. All right. Speak soon.

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